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Getting to know: Aidan O’Connell

Aidan O’Connell is a senior who is a member of the Penn Varsity Hockey Team.
How long have you been playing hockey?: I have been playing hockey since I was about eight years old.
How do you manage playing hockey and lacrosse? Is it very time consuming?: Managing my time between hockey and lacrosse is very difficult, especially during the time where the seasons overlap. Setting a schedule for myself helps balance the two sports.
Do you have any pre-game superstitions?: Typically I like to put in headphones and listen to music before the game. Music can range from rap to edm to pretty much anything that will get me ready to play.
What is your favorite pre-game food?: I really enjoy a good bag of Skittles before the game.
What are some goals you want to achieve this year, personal or team goals?: As a team I hope that we win the City Championship this year and make a run in State.
What helps you get over a tough loss?: Getting over a tough loss isn’t too hard for me. Normally I will just try to do anything to get my mind off of the game.
How do you feel about the team Penn has this year, should fans expect them to be better than last year?: I feel that this could be the best Penn team in a while. We have a lot of experienced seniors on the team this year as well as some talented Sophomores and Juniors.
What is some advice you can give to some players that hope to play on the varsity team?: Do the little things right, they will get noticed eventually and you will be rewarded.
Who are the funniest players in the locker room?: Caleb Hoffman and Matt Savage.
What is your favorite thing about playing high school hockey?: The bond with the boys is immaculate. It’s just an all-around great time getting to play with this group of guys.

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