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Getting to Know: Megan Ungerecht

Megan Ungerecht competes for the Penn Kingsmen Girls Track Team.
Instagram: @meganungerecht
What are your goals for track this year?: Get a PR in the mile and two-mile.
What is your favorite memory from track?: The meets and friendships.
How do you prepare for each meet?: I train a lot and run a lot to prepare.
What is your personal best on the mile?: 5:48.
What is your best time on the two-mile: 11:37.
What do you enjoy more, cross country or track?: Cross Country.
Do you want to participate in any other events in track besides the mile and two-mile?: No, I like long distance.
Do you plan to run collegiately: Yes, probably like in a running club.
Where are you attending college next year?: I am attending Indiana University, Bloomington.
If you could tell the younger kids who want to participate in track about it, what would you tell them?: It’s really fun and if you put in hard work the results are so rewarding, and you get so close with the team and become like a family.

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