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Recruiting Central: Peyton Kendall

Athlete name: Peyton Kendall
Sport: Wrestling
Graduation year: 2023
Height: 5-foot-7
Weight: 220 pounds
Combine results: Bench – 325 pounds; Front Squat – 415 pounds; Hang Clean – 225 pounds; Deadlift 500 pounds; 40-Yard Dash – 5.677 seconds.
Honors/accomplishments: 2020 Grappler Fall Classic High School Division 240-pound champion, Sectional, Regional and Semi-state Qualifier as a Freshman and Sophomore; wrestled for David Taylor on M2.
Head coach/email: Brad Harper –
Coach’s quote: “Passion, raw emotions to push himself and become the best. We call him (The Tank)” – Brad Harper

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