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Getting to Know: Lucas Granado

Lucas Granado plays Basketball for the Penn Kingsmen.
Who is your favorite basketball player of all time and why?: Probably Michael Jordan just because he changed the game.
What will you do to stay healthy while having surgery recently?: I’m going to try and move around as much as possible and work out upper body and eat healthy too.
How do you overcome your mistakes you make on the court?: By pushing to the next play and just forgetting about what happened.
Do you think that this knee injury will prevent you from playing time in the future?: I don’t think so and if it does, I will grind my way back.
What are your goals for your Junior season?: Win sectionals and to make every free throw.
What will you do off the court and in the classroom to achieve those goals?: Stay ahead on my school work and just workout as much as I can.
What is your favorite basketball moment you have had at Penn so far in your career?: Probably scoring 25 points against St. Joe, because it was a rivalry game and it was heated.
What is your favorite pre-game meal?: Eggs and peanut butter toast.
What is your pre-game routine and what do you do the night before?: The night before I get a good sleep and before the game I listen to music to get hyped up.
When do you think is the best time to step up and become a leader for your team?: When the rest of your teammates don’t feel like hope is there anymore or whenever mistakes are made.

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