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Getting to Know: Kiley Hinton

Kiley Hinton is a Sophomore at Penn High School. She is a Shortstop for the Kingsmen Softball Team.

Who influences you the most in your life?: My mom, because she never gives up and always works hard.

What keeps you motivated?: Remembering what I want to do after high school.

What are some struggles that helped get you to where you are?: One of the biggest struggles for me was when our season got cancelled last year. It really made me be more grateful for the sport.

What’s your favorite movie?: My favorite movie is Brotherly Love. 

How would your teammates describe you?: Energetic and always being the person that you can go to to pump you up.

What is some advice you would give to someone younger who is playing your sport?: I would tell them that softball is a game of mistakes, so don’t get down on yourself when you make an error just look forward to the next play.

What is your biggest goal for your sports career?: My biggest goal in my softball career to play at the highest level and to win state.

What’s your favorite memory while playing softball?: My favorite memory while playing softball was getting to go to California.

What is your favorite song?: My favorite song is the YMCA.

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