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Getting to Know: Keenan Donze

Keenan Donze is a Senior who plays for Penn’s Hockey and Golf teams.
What is the most important lesson you’ve learned through Athletics?: I think the most important lesson I’ve learned through athletics is to always give it your all and never give up.
What are your pre-game rituals?: I always pass with my teammate Matt Laware in pre-game warmups, go out on the ice first, and always put on my left skate first.
Who is a player you look up to, and why?: I’ve looked up to former Notre Dame hockey player Jeff Costello. The way he played with intensity is something I try to copy and he also carries himself off the ice in a great manner. He mentored me as he is also a type one diabetic and I strive to make an influence like he did on me one day.”
What do you love about representing Penn High School?: I love representing something bigger than myself. Being able to put on the Penn jersey is an honor and a privilege that I don’t take for granted.
What traits do you love in a team leader?: I love the traits of being respectful and holding others accountable.
What advice would you give a freshman about Penn Athletics?: I would tell them to enjoy every single second on the ice, field, course, etc. On top of that give it all you have every single day.
What is your favorite sports movie, and why?: I love Miracle on Ice because it has a great and true story behind it.
What is your favorite pig-out food?: I would say probably a Chipotle bowl with rice, beans, lettuce, and carnitas.
What do you love about your sport?: I love absolutely everything about hockey. Whether it’s the rush of adrenaline in big moments or spending quality time with my closest friends, I truly love it all (even the moments when it’s hard and tiring).
If you can have lunch with any living person, who would it be, and what would you talk about?: I would love to have lunch with Tiger Woods. I would love to talk to him about his mental attitude and lessons he has learned after having such a great career in golf.

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