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Player Profile

Getting to Know: Josh Gatete

Name: Josh Gatete
Sport: Basketball
Instagram handle: josh_gatete
What is the most important lesson you’ve learned through athletics?: Coach Rhodes always teaches us to pursue excellence in everything that we do in life.
What are your pre-game rituals?: Before the game, I normally go get some food and rest. 
Who is a player (at any level) you look up to, and why?: I look up to Kevin Durant because of how skilled he is at being able to do nearly anything on the court at his height.
What do you love about representing Penn High School?: How involved all the students and parents are in the athletics and being able to continue on the winning that Penn does. 
What traits do you love in a team leader?: Always pushing others on the team to be their best selves.
What advice would you give a freshman about Penn Athletics?: To have fun while they play and keep working hard to be your best because it goes by fast. 
What is your favorite sports movie and why?:Space Jam, I’ve watched it like 20 times and Michael Jordan was my favorite person.
What is your favorite pig-out food?: Chick-Fil-A
What do you love about your sport?: The feeling when everyone on your team is having fun and you’re winning
If you can have lunch with any living person, who would id be, and what would you talk about?: LeBron James, and I would talk to him about basketball.

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