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Getting to Know: Brayden McMillen

Brayden McMillen is a junior at Penn High School. He is currently going on his third year in his wrestling career.

What’s your favorite wrestling move?: Definitely a chicken wing.

What college do you want to wrestle at?: I want to wrestle at Indiana University.

How many hours do you put in the gym?: About two hours lifting and seven hours wrestling.

What’s been your favorite accomplishment so far in your career?: Being a two-time semi state qualifier.

Why do you wrestle?: I wrestle because I have fun with it. I try and make it fun but also I compete to win.

Do you listen to music or anything before your wrestling meets?: I have a playlist dedicated to wrestling matches.

Who’s your favorite wrestler?: Favorite wrestler is Mason Parris.

Who’s been your favorite teammate?: Favorite teammate would be Rockne Hurley.

What’s your favorite animal?: Favorite animal is a zebra.


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