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Getting to Know: Alyssa Messenger

Alyssa Messenger is a state finalist swimmer on the Penn team.

How long have you been swimming?: I’ve been swimming my whole life but got into competitive swimming when I was 5.

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned through athletics?: The most important thing I’ve learned through swimming is to make sure to do what makes you happy. Swimming also helps balance school and your social life.

What are your pre-game rituals?: I always stretch and roll out before big meets. In the morning before I swim, I usually listen to music and drink coffee and an energy drink.

Who is an athlete you look up to, and why?: Ever since I was young, I’ve always looked up to Missy Franklin. She always had the best attitude and stayed positive through tough times.

What do you love about representing Penn High School?: I love representing Penn because it is a school everyone always knows will bring their bests no matter what.

What traits do you love in a team leader?:  I love team leaders who are always positive and help encourage people when they are down.

What advice would you give a freshman about Penn Athletics?: I would tell them to stay positive because playing a sport can be very stressful at times but you get so much out of it in the long run.

What is your favorite place that you have been for a competition?: My favorite pool to compete in is probably IUPUI, but my favorite pool to swim is anywhere outside.

What is your dream college to swim for and why?: I’m not sure what my dream college is yet, but I know that I want to be on a team with people who will push me to be my best self.

What do you love about your sport?: My favorite part of swimming is the relationships and memories I’ve made with my teammates, coaches, and other swimmers.

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