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Getting to Know: Abbie Utz

Abbie Utz is a senior who was a state finalist for the Penn Girls Wrestling Team.
How long have you been wrestling?: I’ve been Wrestling for two years.
What inspired you to start wrestling?: Coach Harper approached me and told me he wanted me to try it out and I fell in love instantly.
Is there a female wrestler that you look up to and inspires you, and why?: Lauren Louive. I met her at our summer camp and I love her outlook on life. 
What advice would you give a first-year wrestler?: Don’t give up. It’s not going to be easy but it’s definitely worth it in the end.
What do you love about your sport?: I love how close you get with your team and coaches. I also love the lessons it teaches you.
What are your plans after high school?: I plan on taking a gap year between high school and college and I’m moving in with my wrestling partner.
What is one of your favorite memories from wrestling at Penn?: My favorite memory is definitely senior night. I had an extra match and I won and it was a great way to celebrate my senior season.
How do you mentally prepare for a match?: If I don’t feel prepared before a match, I know I didn’t do something right. Every practice no matter what I always have my end goal in mind. So by the time I get to a match I know I did everything in my power to succeed. Once I get on the mat I just wrestle. 
What traits do you find important in a team leader?: Someone that willing to hold everyone accountable but also someone that is willing to get to know everyone on the team.
What’s your favorite post tournament meal?: Avocado salsa chicken!

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