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Getting to Know: Eli Lupa

Eli Lupa is a Sophomore who competes for the Penn Football and Basketball Teams.
When did you start to play football and who got you into the sport?: I started to play football at a very young age, 10, I believe. I do not recall who got me into the sport. I believe it was my father I would like to say.
What position do you play and why?: As of right now, I am an outside linebacker. I play this because it feels right, because I am quick off my feet and have a good amount of football knowledge for remembering coverages.
Who do you look up to?: I look up to both of my parents. They have taught me so many valuable things in life on how to be a great person overall. Along with pushing me in all of my extracurricular activities. At one point in middle school, I was playing four sports a year. They showed me how much can be achieved if I just try and give effort.
What is your favorite memory playing football?: I would have to say Granger Rocket days. I went to the Rocket Bowl three years in a row, didn’t win any of them, but effort that counts right? The memories from this league made were incredible. 
What is your favorite part of the Penn football team?: One of my favorite aspects of the football team is the connection you get to create with your teammates on and off the field. Leaving each other accountable each play can create a sort of trust within each other and the team.
Do you want to play college or even pro football?: Earning a scholarship is a dream of mine, not just for the football aspect but for the education part of it. Earning a football scholarship to a great academic school would be a dream of mine. I would consider pro if the chance was ever created.
What are some goals you have for your next two years of high school: Some goals I would like to achieve in my next two years in high school are to continue to play the sports I play, be consistent in the weight room, along with the classroom. Continuing to maintain a decent GPA is important to me.
What is something a coach has said that will stick with you for life?: A coach once said, as I mentioned before, be accountable. This will stick with me, because it can correlate to many different things other than just football. It can be looked at in ways like holding one accountable on the field or court. It can be looked at for holding someone accountable for their actions and it can also be looked at holding yourself accountable in the classroom.

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