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Player Profile

Getting to Know: Caleb Hoffman

Senior Caleb Hoffman plays Football and Hockey for the Kingsmen.
What has been your biggest challenge when you started playing hockey?: My biggest challenge was learning how to skate when I first started.
Is there anything that motivates you?: The feeling you get when you score a goal really motivates me, because it’s a great feeling doing something good for your team.
What are some things you can do to improve your game?: I could improve my game by working on all my skills there is always room for improvement.
Who is your favorite professional athlete to watch and what is one skill you could take from them and add to yourself and why?: I love watching Connor McDavid. The skill I would to take from him would be how smooth he is at everything.
Is there a different sport you thought about playing or wanted to play?: I’ve always wanted to try out for the golf team.
Is there  any position you could play other than the position you play now what would it be and why would you switch?: I would switch to goalie. Goalie is such a unique position and seems very fun to play.
Do you have any pre game motive or ritual?: I eat a pack of Skittles, chew 3 pieces of a certain gum, and I listen to the same first song every time.
Outside of sports what are some things that you do in your free time?: I hangout with the boys.
What is one thing that you think you yourself needs to work on and what is something you think the team needs to work on to become better?: I need to work not retaliating back after a minor thing happens. As a team, we could work on playing every period as hard as we can.
How has COVID impacted you as an athlete and your ability to improve?: COVID impacted me positively. Actually, it allows me to be at home more often to train my skills and get myself better.

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