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Player Profile

Recruiting Central: Matthew Sastre

Athlete name: Matthew Sastre

Sports: Football, Baseball

Graduation year: 2021

Position: Football: DE/OT/TE; Baseball: Pitcher

Height: 6-foot-4.

Weight: 225 pounds.

Combine results: Bench: 255, Back Squat: 315, Power Clean: 245.

Football Statistics: Football (mainly an offensive lineman; used in several games on defense) – 6 tackles, 2 sacks, 1 forced fumble, made QB sack on final play of game vs. No. 2 East Noble in Penn territory to seal a 30-24 win by Penn.

Baseball statistics: Fastball consistent 82 MPH, high 84 MPH; curve 68 mph average, splitter 73-74 mph, change-up 70 mph.

Honors/accomplishments (athletic and academic): Academic All-Conference, graduating with academic and technical honors, 2x Human Relations award winner.

Extra-Curricular activities/Service projects: Volunteer work for local marathons and Giant Steps.

Head coach/email: Cory Yeoman –

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