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Getting to Know: Macy Sherman

Macy Sherman is a senior at Penn High School.  She is one of Penn’s top volleyball players.

When did you start playing volleyball? I started playing volleyball in third grade.

What is your favorite part about playing volleyball for Penn? My favorite part about playing for Penn is how we really focus on being one team. We support everyone and every team in our program (Freshman and JV).

Who are your biggest supporters? My biggest supporters are my teammates, my coaches, my parents, and my friends.

Why did you start playing volleyball? I started playing volleyball because a lot of my friends started playing and my parents thought that I would have fun playing.

How do you deal with failures, for example playing poorly in a match? I deal with this by trying to focus on other things around me like my teammates and encouraging them instead of focusing on myself. I like to focus on encouraging the people around me because it gets my mind off of my own performance. 

How do you juggle school work with also playing volleyball? Being a student-athlete has taught me a lot about time management which is great because I always feel like I have enough time to get everything done, I also try and get most of my school work done before I get to practice so when I get home I don’t have to worry about getting anything done.

How do you prepare yourself for a match? I usually try to get my energy up so sometimes I like to drink coffee before a game or just listen to music because that also gets me pretty energized before a game. I also like to eat something pretty healthy but will also give me energy for our match.

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