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Getting to Know: Cole McCullough

Whether it’s hitting the football field, hitting a baseball, or hitting the slopes, Penn Senior Cole McCullough will not let quarantine put a stop to his goals. He is continuously working and training hard to keep doing what he loves.

Where do you train for Snowboarding:? I do most of my winter training in Colorado. I’ll usually go out for a few weeks during winter break to train and prepare for competition season. When I’m out there, I’m usually just working on learning new tricks and adding onto old ones. Once I’m back in Indiana I mostly just snowboard, with my friends for fun and do some regional competitions on the weekends to prepare for the national championship in the spring.

Has quarantine interfered with your goals?: Yes. This spring in March when we first went on lockdown, the national competition in Colorado was canceled. Last year was probably the best year of snowboarding I’ve had yet so it was very sad I didn’t get the chance to compete for the ‘ship.

What are your goals for the Snowboarding season?: I would love to win the Midwest series and go on to win the national championship this year.

What are your academic goals for this year?: I just want to keep up on my work and get the best grades I can.

Which of the three sports you play is your favorite?: Snowboarding is my favorite sport, but football definitely makes a close second. There’s no feeling quite like soaring down the mountain with your buddies.

Who is your biggest inspiration?: My biggest inspiration is probably my father. He’s always been my biggest supporter on and off the field.





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