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Player Profile

Recruiting Central: Maddie Calvin

Athlete Name: Maddie Calvin 

Sport: Softball 

Graduation year: 2021

Positions: Third Base/ Shortstop

Height: 5-8

Weight: 150

Combine results: Bench: 125, Front Squat: 155, Hang Clean: 130, Vertical Leap: 18 inches

Statistics: Batted .537 her freshman year for Penn Softball JV; hit .289 with 17 RBIs and 3 HR in 2019 as a Sophomore. 

Honors/accomplishments (athletic and academic): Co-Captain of freshman volleyball team (in 9th grade), Vice President of Juniors/Seniors in Key Club, High Honor Roll Chevron, Varsity Athlete, 2x Work Boot Lifter of the Week, 2x All-State Athlete (in weights class), 3x All-American Athlete (in weights class). 

Extra-Curricular activities/Service projects: Key Club, Softball, Test of Engineering Aptitude, Mathematics, and Science (TEAMS), Volleyball (Freshmen year only), Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), Freshmen Mentoring.

Head coach/email: Beth Zachary –

Coach’s quote: “Maddie has quickly become one of our most responsible and dedicated senior leaders this year. Her quiet demeanor, impeccable work ethic, unique sense of humor, and dedication to her academics make her a great role model for her teammates. Maddie is a strong, left side of the field infielder with a powerful bat. We are looking for her to be an offensive leader for us this upcoming season. No matter what Maddie does, she will excel. We are glad she’s on our team!” – Beth Zachary.

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