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Recruiting Central: Morgan Petty

Athlete name:  Morgan Petty

Sport: Soccer

Graduation year: 2023

Position: Outside back 

Height:  5-4

Weight:  125

Combine results: Bench: 85 Front squat: 125 Hang Clean: 130.

Statistics: Two goals and four assists for 2019 season and 2020 season.

Honors/accomplishments (athletic and academic): Varsity as a freshman. 

Head coach/email: Jeff Hart –

Coach’s quote: “Morgan has been a valuable member of our program since she stepped on the field last year as a ninth grader.  After a freshman season that was cut short by injury, she’s made her impact on the varsity this fall.  We recently moved her to outside back from a forward position and her ability to get into the offensive attack has been an important part of our improvement as a team the last few weeks. She’s strong, fast, athletic and plays the game with a smile on her face. We’re excited to see her development the next few years on and off the field.”

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