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Player Profile

Recruiting Central: Joe Smith

Athlete name: Joe Smith

Sport: Basketball

Graduation year: 2023

Position: Point Guard

Height: 5-11

Weight: 160

Combine results: Bench 160, Hang Clean 165, Front Squat 285, Vertical Jump 25.5, Standing Broad Jump 7-11, Electronic Timed 40-yard dash 4.94, Electronic Timed Pro Agility 4.44

Statistics: Averaged 10.0 points a game as a Sophomore, hit 51-of-146 three-point FG (34.9 percent); hit 72.2 percent of free throws; averaged 3.0 assists a game, averaged 1.2 steals a game; impact player as a freshman on the varsity in the rugged Northern Indiana Conference; averaged 10 points a game, 2.2 assists a game, 1.2 steals a game, took 15 charges, shot 84.3% from the free-throw line.

Honors/accomplishments (athletic and academic): GPA 3.9 (out of 4.0), a Freshmen Alpha, Team Captain, awarded team’s top defender, free-throw shooter award.

Extra-Curricular activities/Service projects: Member of the Student-Athlete Leadership Council.

Head coach/email: Al Rhodes –

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