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Getting to Know: Zach Tonkovich

Zach Tonkovich is a member of the Penn Kingsmen Lacrosse Team.

How long have you played?: This is my second year.

What position do you play?: Middle, so I play both sides.

What is your favorite way to get hyped up before a game?: Listening to music with my teammates.

Do you have any funny memories from your time playing Lacrosse?: I haven’t been able to play very long because of COVID, but the bus rides are super fun.

What are you most excited for this season?: I am excited for it being my senior year. Hopefully it’ll be a good one.

How well do you think your team will do this year?: I think our varsity team has the potential to do really well this season.

What does a typical practice look like for you guys?: We start off with warm ups, then some basic passing drills. Then we break into teams and go over more specific plays. To end practice we normally do some running or conditioning.

What is your favorite part of the sport?: The continuous improvement and learning new skills.

How did you decide lacrosse was for you?: I played a different sport for four years before Lacrosse. I enjoy how I have my close friends at Lacrosse and how well we all interact with each other. I found it hard to connect with my previous teammates on and off the field but that isn’t the case with Lacrosse.

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