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Getting to Know: Trinity Clinton

Trinity Clinton is a Senior who is a four-year starter for the Penn Girls Basketball Team. She is the career steals leader for Penn.
Twitter: trinityclinton1
Instagram: trinity_clinton42
Hashtag that best describes you or your philosophy: #beast
What is the most important lesson you’ve learned through Athletics?: The most important lesson I’ve learned is the value of teamwork.
What are your pre-game rituals?: Just to block everything out and focus on the game.
Who is a player you look up to and why?: LeBron James, because we both play kind of similar, but just his mindset and how he carries himself on and off the court.
Favorite pig-out food?: Most definitely chicken nuggets.
What do you love about sports?: I love meeting new people and making new friends.
What do you love about representing Penn Athletics?: I just feel like it’s such a huge honor to represent Penn High School as it produces a bunch of great athletes.
What traits do you love in a team leader?: Not being afraid to get after it, and owning up to their mistakes.
What advice would you give to a freshman about Penn Athletics?: Everyone is targeting you, but you have to keep your composure and come ready to work each and every day.
What is your favorite sports movie, and why?: “Space Jam”, because I’m a fan of Michael Jordan, but I also watched Looney Toons.

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