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Getting to Know: Sequoia DeLeu

Name: Sequoia DeLeu
Sport: Girls Lacrosse 
Twitter handle: @theseacoyah 
Instagram handle: @sequoiadeleu
Hashtag that best describes you or your philosophy: #determined 
What is the most important lesson you’ve learned through Athletics?: The most important lesson I have learned is that sometimes you’ll lose, but there is always another day and another game. 
What are your pre-game rituals?: Listen to music and dance. 
Who is a player (at any level) you look up to, and why?: A player I have always looked up to is Chloe Foley. Chloe is a strong and passionate player with inspirational motivation. I look up to Chloe because she driven for success and an incredible skilled player. 
What do you love about representing Penn High School?: l love representing how hard all of athletes work and the strong sportsmanship that is carried in all of the athletics in Penn. 
What traits do you love in a team leader?: Traits I love in a team leader would be dedication. I think dedication in a team leader is important because strong dedication to a sport can change the way you play and how hard you play. 
What advice would you give a freshman about Penn Athletics?: Live your four years of playing with all of your heart. It’s really goes faster than you think. Play every game like it’s your last. 
What is your favorite sports movie, and why?: My favorite movie is “The Blind Side”, because of the story behind it. 
What is your favorite pig-out food?: Either tacos or ice cream. 

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