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Getting to Know: Seamus Penney

Seamus Penney is a Senior on the Penn Boys Basketball Team.

Twitter: seamuspenney

Instagram: seamus.penney

Who is your favorite basketball player?: Chris Paul is my favorite basketball player.

What position do you play on the court?: My position is point guard.

What is your pre-game routine?: I eat a good meal and watch film so I can focus on the game and what I need to do. 

How do you deal with nerves before games?: I listen to my favorite music to calm my nerves. 

What parts of your game do you need to improve the most?: I need to improve my strength and ball handling the most. 

What is a goal you have for yourself this season?: I want to play the best basketball I can and do whatever I can to help the team win.

What is a goal you have for the team this season?: A goal I have for the team is winning sectionals.

Do you plan on playing basketball in college?: I don’t plan on playing in my future.

What college do you plan on attending?: I’m planning on attending Indiana University.

Who are your biggest supporters?: My biggest supporters are my family and friends.  

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