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Getting to Know: Peyton Kendall

Peyton Kendall, a Sophomore, is a state finalist for the Penn Wrestling Team.
Who is your favorite wrestler of all time?: Kyle Snyder because he is built differently and he’s a big inspiration.
How do you cut weight when you need to?: I usually try to eat small portions throughout the week and when it comes to the day before weigh-ins I’ll either go to the gym or run on the treadmill to work it off.
What is your routine before a big meet?: I don’t really listen to music before a match and I’ll usually just pace back and forever and grab another wrestler and drill with them for however long I need.
What goals do you have?: To place at state. I will continue to practice five days a week and lift 4 days a week and try and eat a consistent diet to maintain being in wrestling shape year round to reach my goal.
Where is your dream college for wrestling and why?: Realistically, I’d love to go to Purdue, but if I could pick anywhere, I’d go to Penn State because of their traditions and how good they are.
What is your biggest achievement in the sport of wrestling?: Winning the Grappler Fall Classic this last September.
In practice what is your mentality when you have a big match coming up?: I feel like I need to work even harder and push myself to make sure I win.
How do you overcome your mistakes made in a match?: I feel like I always learn from losing because in the national tournaments I can go back to the recording and see exactly what I did wrong and work on it from there.
What is your favorite post match meal?: Gotta be at Buffalo Wild Wings and I get the traditional medium-sized half parmesan and garlic and half honey BBQ with a side of cheese curds.
Where is your most memorable place or city that you have wrestled in?: Myrtle Beach in South Carolina, because the city had a really good ambiance and had great restaurants.

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