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Getting to Know: Kyle Brothers

Senior Kyle Brothers is a state finalist swimmer for the Penn Kingsmen.

Instagram @: @_kyle_brothers_
# that best describes you: #YOLO

When did you first start swimming and why?: I started swimming during the summer before sixth grade. My mom’s friend was one of the head coaches, and suggested that I come to a practice. Since I had already planned to go into another sport, I thought “Why not?”
Do you have any siblings who play sports?: My little brother plays baseball. And he’s a young Babe Ruth, if I do say so myself.
What’s your dream college to go to?: IUPUI is my main goal.
Who’s your favorite professional swimmer?: Caeleb Dressel. His confidence and attitude in the water is awesome. Plus the guy’s a beast.
Do you have any workout plans dedicated to swimming in order to get stronger?: We work a lot in the weight room, focusing on compound lifts like power cleans and deadlifts. We usually do this twice a week, but I like to branch off on my own time and work on isolated movements and explosive power. Working those fast twitch muscles are especially important for me since I’m a sprinter, but training endurance is also crucial.
What do you think it takes in order to succeed in a sport?: Dedication and a strong mindset. Not only is our sport the most physically exhausting, but also the most mentally straining. You’re not gonna have a good swim every day and you’re not always going to get the results you want. So in my mind, the most important thing to do is dedicate yourself for the long term and keep pushing through those difficult times. Also, you have to keep yourself sane. You literally stare at nothing like for two hours while swimming for miles to end up nowhere.
Where’s your favorite place to swim at?: Preferably water, but I’ve always wanted to see what it’s like to swim in Jell-o. I’m kidding (not really). My favorite place to swim at has got to be our home pool at Penn.
How tall are you?: 5’10 :/. But if you think about it, 5’10 is basically 5’11 and 5’11 from far away looks like 6’0. So if anyone asks, tell them 6’0.
If you had to watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?: Now that’s a tough one. I would have to go with “Remember The Titans”. Something about sport movies always get me hyped up.

Who’s your favorite musician? Aw man, these questions are tougher than the other ones. I don’t have one favorite artist, but at the moment I’ve been burning through a variety of Post Malone, Panic @ The Disco, and Sam Smith.

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