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Getting to Know: Jada Patton

Jada Patton is a Junior at Penn High School. She is a member of the Penn Girls Basketball Team.

What are your pre game rituals?: Team dinners before, pre-game up (listening to my favorite music), and lastly praying during the national anthem.

What´s the best moment you´ve ever had in basketball and why?: My best moment in basketball would be scoring a triple-double in a semi state game in eighth grade.

How would you describe the team spirit?: I would describe our team spirit as dedicated. We know we have jobs to do, goals to reach, and rings to get. So our attitude on and off the court always remains pure.

On a scale of 1-10 (10 being best) where would you put yourself based on your skills?: I would put myself at a 7, I feel like a lot of my skills are there but I still have a lot of growing to do.

Do you have traditional celebrations after a win?: I don’t have any traditional celebrations, the gang just goes out and gets food.

Is it a challenge traveling to other schools for a game?: No, I don’t think it’s difficult to travel to another school for a game, you always gotta just come in with the right mindset, being focused.

Do you have a role model?: Maya Moore, i´ve always liked the way she played, how she carried herself and her team.

What’s your favorite college?: I have a couple favorites, but if I had to pick it´ll probably be Notre Dame, just because I grew up watching them.

What inspired you to play basketball?: My dad inspired me, he took me to my first practices, games. He was an athlete, too, so I guess it just went down in the family.

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