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Getting to Know: Carson Perkins

Name: Carson Perkins
Sport: Lacrosse
Twitter handle: Carson_Perk7
Instagram handle: Carson.Perk
Hashtag that best describes you or your philosophy: #itiswhatitis

What would you tell future Lacrosse players that will play for Penn?: Try to always improve. Make today better than yesterday and tomorrow better than today.
Have any hobbies?: Listening to music, Programming, Hanging out with friends.
What is your favorite food?: Chick-Fil-A.
What does your team mean to you?: My team represents all the different kinds of people at Penn who can come together and set aside everything else that is happening in their lives and do something that we all love.
What is your favorite Sports team?: Notre Dame Football.
Nike, or Under Armour?: Nike
What was your favorite game you played in, in your career?: Sophomore year, my first time starting a game, I had two fastbreaks, an assist, and a 100 percent faceoff win in the first five minutes.
What trait makes a good team player?: Being a leader while still being humble.
Best memory at Penn?: Going to football games on Friday nights with my friends.

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