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Getting to Know: Caleb Fischer

Caleb Fischer is a Senior who competed for both the Penn Football Team and the Penn Boys Basketball Team.
What are your goals for this year?: My goals for this year is to make the season last as long as it can for our senior season and make it one to remember.
What is your favorite experience from Penn Basketball?: My favorite experience from Penn was going to semi-state and being in the packed gym in front of that many people.
What colleges are you interested in?: I am interested in Wittenberg, Marian, Chicago Concordia, and DePauw.
If you could be trained by one pro basketball player,  who would it be and why?: If I could be trained by one NBA player is would be Kevin Durant, because he’s my favorite player and has some crazy moves in his bag.
When did you begin playing basketball?: I started playing basketball in sixth grade.
How do you prepare for each game?: Before each game, I put my airpods in and listen to some Lil Baby and get right.
Is balancing school and basketball challenging?: Balancing school and basketball isn’t as challenging during the season as it is during the offseason.
Do you participate in any other sports or clubs at Penn?: I also play football at Penn.
What would you tell underclassmen and people who want to attend Penn about the program?: I would tell the people to take advantage of all the time they have and work hard everyday because you never know when it’s going to end.

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