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Girls Sports

Getting To Know: Kate Noonan

Kate Noonan is a Junior at Penn and plays on the Penn Girls Varsity Soccer Team. Noonan will be competing for Sectionals and Regionals that are coming up. Noonan recently transitioned to playing outside back.

What is it like playing soccer for Penn High School?

“It’s a very competitive environment and there are a lot of standards that you need to meet. You have to prove yourself every single day, in every practice and in every game. I remember coming in before my freshman year and hearing all the big names that had gone through the program and realizing that these next four years were going to require me to work harder than I had ever before.”

What position do you play?

“I have recently transitioned to outside back and I love it!”

Is there anything specific that you enjoy about this position?

“I think it is just as fun ruining other peoples’ scoring opportunities as it is scoring yourself.”

What mental/physical challenges come with playing that position?

“You definitely have to be mentally tough. If one bad thing happens, you have to be able to move on and not dwell on that mistake that you have made. Just carry on and move forward, what happened is in the past now. If you dwell on that mistake for too long, it can negatively affect the rest of the game for you and your team. Also, you have to be aware of any speedy forwards that are attempting to score on you, and you have to see the field and understand the game, so that you are able to make smart plays.”

When is your next game?

“Our next game is on Wednesday, September 21st at 7:00pm, at Saint Joe, which has always been a great rivalry, and always a tough and hard-fought game. It’s going to be a pretty big game.”

How do you prepare for an upcoming game? Do you get nervous?

“I usually do get pretty nervous before games, but I know that as soon as the whistle blows it goes away. Your mind has to be present and in the moment, focused on the game. I also always make sure that I play in a bun. have my hair in a bun.

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