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Boys Lacrosse

Boys Lacrosse: Thomas Powlus

Tommy Powlus is one of the leading players for the Penn Lacrosse Team.

What is your favorite part about your sport?: My favorite part of lacrosse is being able to score goals and see people score after I pass to them. Assists are a huge part of the game and I love seeing my teammates succeed.

What life lessons does lacrosse teach you?: Lacrosse teaches you many things, but some examples are discipline and following instructions. While generating offense, if you decide to do your own thing or don’t complete the action necessary, you can mess up the whole play. Team sports are the ultimate way to build relationships and learn how to work with one another.

How does lacrosse have an impact on football?: Lacrosse and football have very few comparisons, but one of the big impacts is footwork. Being able to have fast feet can translate to any sport.

How does football have an impact on lacrosse?: One impact football has on lacrosse is physicality and strength. Playing linebacker at Penn means I have to be very physical and strong while on the field. Bringing these attributes to lacrosse is a big part of my play style in lacrosse.

What is your least favorite part about your sport?: My least favorite part about my sport has to be conditioning during practice. Although it is very important for the sport, it still sucks.

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