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Girls Sports

Getting to Know: Anika Gunther

Anika Gunther plays for the Lady Kingsmen Soccer Team.

Do you have a good memory of a soccer game?

“Yes, during the regular season we lost to saint jo 5-0, but the second round of sectionals we proved everyone wrong and won in a pk shoot! This is a game I will never forget!”

What is the team environment?

“Penn Girls Soccer environment is something special, we’re not just a team but a family, the girls are your best friends on and off the field, and we always look out for each other and make every moment count!”

Do you wish to play soccer in college if so what is your dream college to play for?

“I don’t know exactly what I want to do in the future but I definitely am looking at playing soccer in college. I have not thought about where I would go.”

How do you stay motivated when you have an off night or is just not feeling like playing?

“There have definitely been lots of moments when I have gotten down on myself and very discouraged, but what I have learned is that you’re not just playing for yourself but your team. I have learned that my teammates are my biggest supporters and to try my hardest for my team!”

What is the best game you have ever played and what was special about it?

“My best game was definitely vs saint jo in sectionals, I knew I go out and fight hard that game because it wasn’t just another game, it was our season on the line and I knew coming in that it would be tough but to always believe in myself and my team!”

How important is soccer to you personally?

“Soccer is definitely something that is very important to me, and not just the sport but my team, it has made such an impact on my life and the opportunity that come with it.”

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