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Getting to Know: Kyle Hnatusko

Sophomore Kyle Hnatusko plays Lacrosse for the Penn Kingsmen.
When did you start to play Lacrosse and who got you into the sport?: Seventh grade. Two friends of mine convinced me to try it out and I stuck with it and don’t plan on stopping. 
What position do you play and why?: Defense, because it requires the least amount of running and I get to hit people. 
Who do you look up to?: I look up to my mom the most out of anyone because she is a hard worker and never gives up no matter how tough things get and never lets anyone or anything put her down
What is your favorite memory playing lacrosse?: My favorite memory playing lacrosse is definitely My favorite memory playing lacrosse was when I broke a kid’s stick when I was guarding him and then later on in the game I yard sailed him.
What is your favorite part of the lacrosse team?: My favorite part of the lacrosse team is definitely the hustle and team chemistry we have built up and given so far this year.
Do you want to play college or even pro lacrosse? Yes, I would like to play college lacrosse or even pro if I am given the opportunity to, but if not it’s not the end of the world
What are some goals you have for your next two years of High School: Some goals I have for the next two years are to do well in school and keep my grades up and to be voted team captain senior year for lacrosse and try to win state senior year with Jack on the team.
What is something a coach has said that will stick with you for life?: The only people stopping us from succeeding is yourself.

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