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Getting to Know: Dalton Blankenbaker

Dalton Blankenbaker is a Junior who competes for the Penn Boys Soccer Team.
Who do you look up to for inspiration?: (British Soccer player) Marcus Rachford, because he started from nothing; started from scratch and worked his way up.
What are your goals for the future?: I Want to get my degree and play soccer in college.
How do you plan on achieving these goals?: Focus on school and studying while practicing soccer daily.
How does playing sports benefit you in the real life?: Shows who’s ready to compete and who’s not. Also shows who wants to work hard and who doesn’t.
How long have you been playing soccer?: Since I was two years old.
How do you deal with losing?: I don’t lose.
Favorite motivational quote?: What comes easy won’t last long, what comes challenging lasts forever.
How do you prepare before a game?: You have to relax and dial in to focus on what you’re going to do in the game. I also listen to 21 savage to T up.
How does it feel to be NIC all conference as a junior?: It brings encouragement for next year and what to expect.
What is your favorite TV show? Naruto

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