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Getting to Know: Maddie Calvin

Name: Maddie Calvin
Sport: Softball
Twitter handle: @_maddie_calvin 
Instagram handle: @maddie_calvin
Hashtag that best describes you or your philosophy: #hardworking
How has your career at Penn playing softball impacted your life?: Penn softball has helped me with my confidence and being a more outgoing person.
What would you tell future softball players that will play for Penn?: I would tell future softball players to work hard and keep the legacy going. Also, to always remember you are not only playing for yourself or for your school, but for all the girls who have gone through the program before you.
What has been your best memory of playing softball?: Best memory was when Coach Griman fell at third base during a game.
What is your favorite food?: My favorite food is pasta salad.
What does your team mean to you?: The team is just like family to me. We all play for each other and have a great relationship.
What are your plans after high school?: After high school I plan to attend Purdue University or Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology for engineering.
What is your favorite Sports team?: My favorite sports team is the Chicago Cubs.
What is your favorite Movie?:My favorite movie is Divergent.
What trait makes a good team player?: A good trait to have is holding themselves accountable for the team.
What is the most important lesson you have learned through sports?: Do not take anything for granted as spring sports lost their season in 2020 unexpectedly and this was something that was hard for everyone to accept.

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