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Getting to Know: Bray Sappenfield

Bray Sappenfield is a Sophomore who is a member of the Penn Kingsmen Football Team.
When did you start to play football and who got you into the sport?: I started to play football when I was 6 years old. The people who got me into playing football were my dad and my older brother.
What position do you play and why?: The position that I play is Wide Receiver.  I choose to play this position because, to me, I think that it is the most fun.
Who do you look up to?: The person that I look up to is my older brother. He taught me the most about football and he is the one that made me want to play football. 
What is your favorite memory playing football?: My favorite memory was scoring my first touchdown. I was six years old when I first scored a touchdown. I was playing in a league called Granger Rocket Football League. I was playing running back at the time because I was fast. I remember the play was tackle blast right and there was a big hole and I was able to score a 25-yard touchdown.
What is your favorite part of the football team?: One of my favorite aspects of football is being able to make friends with your teammates. Your team is on the field, you are a family, and you will do anything with your family to win. As a player, I am glad that I was able to make great friends while playing the game that I love.
Do you want to play college or even pro football?: Earning a scholarship will always be a dream for me. I have always wanted to play in college on a team that would hopefully be National Champions. Playing in the pros is something that I have always wanted to do as a young kid. 
What are some goals you have for your next two years of High School?: The goal that I have for myself in the next few years of my high school career is to become a better teammate on and off the field, be dominant in the weight room and most importantly have a good GPA. 
What is something a coach has said that will stick with you for life?: When I first started playing football, a coach told me that it’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back up.

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