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Player Profile

Recruiting Central: Ryan Treber

Athlete name: Ryan Treber

Sport: Football

Graduation year: 2023

Position: Inside Linebacker

Height: 6-foot-2

Weight: 215 pounds

Combine results: Bench: 275, back squat: 380, hang clean: 245

Statistics: Made 37 tackles, including five tackles for loss as a Sophomore starting Linebacker.

Honors/accomplishments (athletic and academic): On track for an Honors diploma.

Head coach/email: Cory Yeoman –

Coach’s quotes: “Ryan has great instincts for an inside linebacker. He reads offensive plays very well and understands where he needs to be quickly.” –  Penn Linebackers Coach Pete Riordan.

“He sees a play developing very well for a linebacker and he is a very heavy hitter.” – Penn Football Head Coach Cory Yeoman.

Full-game video vs. New Prairie: 

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