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Player Profile

Recruiting Central: Zachary David

Athlete name: Zachary David

Sports: Baseball and Football

Graduation year: 2022

Position: Outfield/pitcher in Baseball, wide receiver in Football.

Height: 6-0

Weight: 180

Combine results : Bench – 225, Front Squat – 290, Hang clean – 185, 40-yard dash – 4.86, 60-yard dash 6.85. 

Stats: 96 exit velocity, 83 Outfield Velocity; 2021: .360 Batting average (31-of-86), 10 extra-base hits, 29 RBI, 30 runs score, 19 walks, 15 strikeouts, .523 slugging percentage, .991 OPS, 11 stolen bases, 4 caught stealing, .362 runners in scoring position.

Extra-Curricular activities/Service projects: Student-Athlete Leadership Council, DECA, Freshman Mentoring

Head coach/email: Baseball Greg Dikos –  Football Cory Yeoman – 


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