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Girls Sports

Girls Lacrosse: Getting to Know Lexi Williams

Lexi Williams is a Junior on the Penn Girls Lacrosse Team. She is a three-year member of the Lacrosse Program.

How did you get into playing lacrosse?: I got into playing lacrosse in eighth grade. It was something I never tried but once I tried it I came to like it and joined the Penn girls youth team and have been playing ever since.

What are your expectations for the team this season?: I think we have a great team this season. We have the skill, mindset, and players who all get along. I think this will lead us to go to state.

If you could only listen to one song before a game what would it be?: Probably any song by DaBaby.

Who on the team would you say has been the most help to you in your high school career?: Coach Dawn. Although she is no longer coaching, she always had faith in me and was always there with positivity and her pregame quotes which helped to encourage me in tough games.

What are your plans after graduating high school?: I plan to study marketing at Indiana University.

If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive who would it be and why?: Mark Cuban. He is very successful and I would like to learn tips to success and go far in life.

What does your pre-game routine usually consist of?: A good stretch, a healthy snack, and listening to music to get me pumped for the game.

Do you have a most memorable moment while on the field?: Having an Asthma attack during a game. Although it wasn’t a terrible one, I didn’t feel good and I will never forget it because it is something to look back and laugh about.

If you could travel anywhere in the world for a week long vacation where would you go?: I would go to Hawaii

What skill do you look to improve on most this season?: My left hand various dodges.

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