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Getting to Know: Victoria Tom

Victoria Tom is a Cheerleader at Penn.

What’s the most important thing you’ve learned through athletics?: Work hard at all times. Through hard work and perseverance, all goals are possible.

What advice would you give a freshmen about athletics?: It’s never too late to start a sport, don’t be afraid to try something new!

What do you love most about cheer?: I love the family cheerleading provides for me.

How long have you been cheering?: I have been cheering since 7th grade.

What got you into cheer?: I was in gymnastics for awhile and I have always wanted to be a college cheerleader.

Do you like cheering for basketball or football more?: I love football season, but basketball is more laid back.

If you didn’t cheer, what sport would you play?: I would probably still be doing gymnastics or no sport at all.

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