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Getting to Know: Sydney Little

Name: Sydney Little

Sports: Girls Basketball and Track and Field

Twitter: slittle_30

Instagram: slittle_30

Hashtag that best describes you: #neverquit

What emotions do you feel when you play a good game?: Happy and confident.

Who inspired you as a young athlete?: My grandpa.

What is your favorite song to listen to prior to game time?: “Pop Out” by Polo G.

What is your favorite food to eat the night before a big game?: Pasta.

What do you see yourself accomplishing in five to 10 years?: Have a masters degree in civil engineering.

What are your pre-game rituals?: I always braid my hair and go through my shooting routine while listening to music.

If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?: New Zealand, because it is really pretty and has breathtaking landscapes.

What are three reason you like being a part of Penn girls basketball?: The girls (being close with my teammates and making memories with them), winning games, and get pushed everyday in practice.

How does being an athlete make you a better person?: I learn how to work with people and how to listen and adapt with them.

If you could have any superhero power, what power would you have and why?: Flying, because I wouldn’t have to walk anywhere and I could just fly there. 

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