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Getting to Know: Kailey Gomez

Name: Kailey Gomez

Class: 2027

Sport: Cheer

Instagram: @kaileysuri

Hashtag that best describes you or your philosophy: #pushyourself

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned through Penn Athletics?: The most important lesson I’ve learned through Penn Athletics so far is respect. You need to have respect towards not just your coaches, but your teammates, yourself, and of course the other team.

How does competitive cheer compare to high school cheer?: Competitive cheer and high school cheer are actually quite different. Whereas in both you stunt, tumble, and jump, high school cheer has chants where you yell out to the fans while encouraging the football and/or basketball team. Where in competitive cheer there is no cheering on a different athletics team, it’s a routine; normally around 2 minutes and 30 seconds, and you compete against other teams on the same level.

What would you recommend to a freshman trying out for Penn cheer?: If I were to recommend Penn cheer to a freshman, I would let them know that hard work really pays off. Practice having sharp motions for chants, while also having a loud voice so that when/if they make the team and go to games the fans can hear them. But ultimately they just need to be themselves; be kind, stay focused, and be safe.

What is the most difficult tumbling/stunt you have done during your time at Penn?: The most difficult stunt I have done with my time as a Penn cheerleader so far is called a Hand in Hand. It’s where I (the flyer) is in a handstand while balancing in my base’s hands, then rotating and landing back on my feet in the air.

Is there anything you do specifically before a game?: No, I do not have a specific thing I do before a game. I just make sure I am hydrated and I have enough energy so I can stay hype and have a good time throughout the whole game.

Would you want to cheer in college? If yes where would you want to go?: Yes, cheering in college is definitely the goal, but everything happens for a reason so you never know what could happen. If I were to cheer in college I would possibly like to go to UCF, or somewhere else in Florida, and if that is not achievable I’d probably stay local!

What got you into doing cheer?: One time when I was younger I was in the car and we passed by some cheerleaders cheering in front of a Nelson’s chicken truck. I told my mom I wanted to do that, next thing I knew I was doing classes at the cheer gym, a couple months past, I tried out for a team and made it!

Are you ever afraid or have mental blocks while stunting/tumbling?: Yes, I am always a bit nervous to try new skills in both stunting and tumbling, but honestly it’s a part of the sport so I just deal with it and try my best. Also yes, I have had a couple mental blocks in tumbling, it is definitely not fun and discouraging, i’d say it’s probably one of the most difficult parts about cheerleading.

What is your favorite part about Penn Cheer?: My favorite part about Penn Cheer is trying new stunts sequences. I also really love Friday night light games and being able to encourage the football players with my teammates.

Do you think cheering at Penn has opened up opportunities you wouldn’t have otherwise?: Yes, I do think Penn cheer has opened up opportunities for me as an individual, I have also become more open and trusting towards others.

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