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Getting to Know: Charlotte Jones

Name: Charlotte Jones

Sport: Competition Poms

Instagram handle: charlotte.rjns and charlottejdances

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned through Athletics?: Perseverance. Learning how to keep going through rough patches in an athletic career is one of the most difficult things I’ve had to mentally overcome. I remember why I started and what my ultimate goal is and it keeps me going and rekindles my passion for what I do.

What are your pre-game rituals?: No matter where I’m at, competitions, random performances, games, etc. I will always pray right before, knock on the floor and crack my knuckles on the floor. I don’t really know why I started doing that but now, it doesn’t feel right if I don’t.

Who is an athlete (at any level) you look up to, and why?: On my team, Kennedy Chester is the teammate I look up to the most. She always goes into practice with a winning mindset and that spreads to the rest of the team. She always gives 110% into everything she does and her passion is so clear. She cares about every single teammate and helps anyone with anything they need.

What do you love about representing Penn High School?: Penn is an amazing school. Athletics and academics are amazing. There isn’t one thing I don’t love about this school and I feel so lucky to be able to represent Penn and I feel secure knowing that colleges will see I came from Penn High School.

What trait do you love in a team leader?: Someone who has a winning mindset. Even if you know that the team you’re on isn’t the best or the team you’re on might not win, you can’t go into any game or any performance knowing that. Going in with a mindset that you can do it, I feel like is crucial for a team leader. The mindset the leader has is the mindset the team has.

What advice would you give a freshman about Penn Athletics?: Penn Athletics is a privilege. Not everyone who tries out makes the team. Being a part of the sport you’re on, whether it’s the freshman team, JV, or Varsity, any spot and any opportunities you get is a privilege. Penn is an amazing place to be to excel in athletics so take advantage of it!

What is your favorite sports movie, and why?: This isn’t a movie but The Last Dance on Netflix is SO good. It’s the Michael Jordan documentary series. I’ve probably watched that show like three times all the way through. The messages told in it are crucial for an athlete to know and to change mindset.

What do you love about your sport?: It’s an outlet for me. The girls on the competition team are some of the nicest girls I have ever met. They’re all sisters I don’t have. I also love it because I have been doing it since I was three. It’s become a lifestyle for me and I can’t imagine my life without it.

Why did you choose to try out for Competition Poms your freshman year?: I chose to try out for poms because I’ve always danced and being on a high school team was always a huge part of my high school decision. I was actually planning on going to Saint Joe but they didn’t have a dance team or a team that competed. Penn is the top dance team in the area and knowing I could be a part of that made me excited.

What is your favorite thing about being on the team?: The atmosphere and competitive spirit. This team is absolutely amazing. I feel SO lucky to be a part of this team. We get told over and over that this year, our team is the most talented team Coach Minegar has had. We all want it so bad and we know we have what it takes. The atmosphere while performing and being surrounded by your teammates and knowing you’re all in it together is something super special that I feel beyond lucky to be a part of. It’s an indescribable feeling you get and the adrenaline rush is something that can’t be matched for me.

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