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Girls Sports

Getting To Know: Cadence McGlothlen

Cadence McGlothlen is a Senior member of the Volleyball Team and competes on the Unified Track Team. She is also a member of Penn’s Student-Athlete Leadership Council.

How have you and this year’s team benefitted from last season’s run to the Final Four?: We really take the experience into consideration and put our full efforts into returning to the Final Four again.

What is being a senior leader like?: It’s a big responsibility, but for someone who loves to lead it comes natural.

What do you like about this season’s team?: I love how young and how much room to develop we have. We are all so close and have the most fun!

Unified Track – loves about that, why?: I love how including and welcoming the environment is. It shows that anyone can truly do anything.

After high school goals?: As of right now I’m looking to play in volleyball in college studying Buisness.

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