
Getting to Know: Brooke Holcomb

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Brooke Holcomb is a sophomore captain cheerleader on the Kingsmen JV Cheer Team. 


How have you been preparing for this cheer season ?
I have been lifting weights and also going into the gym to get better at tumbling and also doing cardio so that my body it in better shape to work harder 


What are your thoughts on penn cheer ?

I think that penn cheer is a very good environment and the coaches really push my hard to be the best cheerleader I can be. 


What is your personal goal for this cheer season ?

To improve and hit college level stunts so maybe one day i can become a college cheerleader 


What makes a great cheer team?

Having a good friendship with everybody and is always working together  


How do your coaches help you ?

They help put together stunts and push me to become a better cheerleader


Where has your love for cheer came from ?

My parents have put me  in gigantism and always wanted me to do cheer and i feel in love with it then and everytime i do cheer i like it more and more


What keeps you motivated in cheer practice ?

Knowing that every rep that i have i get better and better 


What other sports would do ?

I would play gymnastics just because with cheer has already taught me a lot of skills that i need for gymnastics so i think that would be best for me 


What is your go to pre game music ?

My go to pre game music would have to have country  just because it always gets me in a good mood and gets me ready for the game 


How do you plan to contour your career ?

 My plan to contour my career is to be able to make level 6 and making it to worlds and even better  winning worlds 

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