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Getting to Know: Miley Perkins

Miley is a senior on the Girls wrestling team, she’s coming back strong for her fourth year.

What got you into the sport?: I wanted to do a sport and my dad had suggested wrestling since he did it in high school too. 

Who inspires you?: My dad and coach Harper.

What is your favorite part about being on the wrestling team?: Meeting new people every year and just having fun with everyone. 

What are your goals for this season?: This season my goal is to make it to state and make it my most fun year yet!!

What’s your favorite memory from last season?:  Last year my favorite memory is that I got to practice with someone in my weight class. I was so excited when she showed up!

What do you plan on doing after high school?: After high school I don’t know what I want to do yet but I’ll figure it out later. 

What traits do you think are important in a teammate?:  Someone who can build up everyone’s spirit.

Who is your wrestling idol?: Sarah Hildebrandt.

What is the most important thing that you have learned from being on the team?: Supporting your teammates can impact them and yourself.

Do you have any pre match rituals to prepare?:  Listen to hard-core music and get pumped up. 

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