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Boys Lacrosse

Getting to Know: Henry Gauthier

Name: Henry Gauthier

Sport: Lacrosse

Twitter handle: @hgauthier10

Instagram handle: @hgauthier10

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned through Athletics?: The most important lesson that I’ve learned through athletics is trusting my teammates and building bonds with them.

What are your pre-game rituals?: My pregame rituals consist of listening to music and pre-workout.

Who is a player (at any level) you look up to, and why?: I look up to commonly known athletic influencers such as Paul Rabil, Jbizz, and Tiger Woods.

What do you love about representing Penn High School?:I love being a Penn athlete because I’m able to represent the team.

What traits do you love in a team leader?: A few traits that I love in a team leader are charisma, pride, and bravery.

What advice would you give a freshman about Penn Athletics?: Advice that I would give a freshman is to not be a show-off and be humble. The last thing a team wants is for a player who is acting (poorly).

What is your favorite movie, and why?: My favorite movie is “Dancing with Wolves”. It’s a pretty good out west movie that really brings cinema to life.

What is your favorite pig-out food?: My favorite pig- out food would probably be ramen or mac and cheese. It may be basic but is easy to make and is also the perfect combination for me.

What do you love about your sport?: I love lacrosse because it is physical, fast, and brutal.

If you could have lunch with any living person, who would it be, and what would you talk about?: If I could have lunch with anyone it would be Coach Cates, because he is an interesting guy. I would like to learn from his past experiences with athletics as well as gain some wisdom from him.

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