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Getting to Know: Brady Allen

Name: Brady Allen
Sports: Football, Track & Field
Twitter: bradyallen40
Instagram: brady_allen_
Favorite quote: “I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying” -Michael Jordan
The most important lesson you’ve learned in Athletics?: The most important lesson I’ve learned through athletics is that nothing is handed to you. In order to be great you have to work at it and put in the time.
Pre-game rituals: My pre-game rituals consist of jamming out to my playlist that I made specifically right before games and events. Enjoying the time with buddies and teammates right before it’s time to compete is time you’ll never be able to relive, so I try to live in the moment as much as possible.
Who is an athlete you look up to?: I look up to Usain Bolt. It’s unrealistic to say that I want to be as great as he is, but he certainly does inspire me to become a better runner. Right before I compete in a track race, I think of Usain Bolt.
What do you love about representing Penn?: I love representing Penn, because I know that all my coaches and all my teammates are so passionate about what they do and striving to compete and get better every single day. It’s a great feeling when you know that your coach believes in you and wants you to work harder, I can say that every coach I have had at Penn has done that for me and helped me be the best I can be.
What traits do you admire in a team leader?: Team leaders are always putting in work and getting better. They may not always be the best, they may even be towards the bottom. These are the guys you see in the weight room all the time, never missing practices, showing younger guys how to get better, and just being a great person to be around.
What advice would you give a Freshman?: My biggest advice is to enjoy it while it lasts. The four years will fly by so quickly before they can even realize it, just like my four years did. Live in the moment, and enjoy what you do.
What is your favorite sports movie?: My favorite sports movie is called “Greater”. It’s a movie about a football player who was never all that good but worked his tail off to be the best, until his life was taken. It’s a very inspiring movie that teaches the viewer that with hard work and dedication, you can be the best.
Favorite food?: My favorite food is by far shrimp. You could put a pile of any kind of shrimp in front of me, and it will be gone within minutes. That’s the way it goes for any seafood really, it’s just the best possible food in my opinion.
What do you love about sports?: What I love about (sports) is the teammates that surround me. I’m not the best athlete out there, but I know that my teammates believe in me and want me to do my best. I love being around my teammates and supporting them always.
If you could have lunch with anyone, who would it be, and what would you talk about?: I would sit down with The Weeknd. He’s my favorite artist by a mile. I would love to get to know him more and maybe get insight on his next songs and albums. I can listen to any of his songs, any day of the week, in any mood.

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