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Getting to Know: London Jackson

London Jackson is a member of the Penn High School Girls Basketball Team.

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned through Penn Athletics?  I’ve learned most about how important having a bond with your team is. Being able to all be a family and know that someone has your back when you are down. 

What do you love about your sport?  I love the fun we all have when we’re together. We all can make each other laugh when we might be upset. 

What traits do you look for in a team leader? I look for encouragement, accountability, and confidence in a leader.

Do you have any pre-game rituals? If so, what are they?  I have a couple of pre-game rituals. One of them is always writing myself a reminder on my wrists in Sharpie that I think is most important for that game. I always pray with the team before a game for everyone’s safety and ability to perform at they’re best. My last ritual I have is doing a handshake with my best friend before we start. 

If you could give one piece of advice to a freshman in Penn Athletics what would it be? One piece of advice I would give to a freshman in Penn athletics is to trust the process. Don’t get down on yourself if this is your first year in transition from middle school to high school. You have to allow yourself to grow and make room for mistakes because, without the challenge, you’ll never learn from those mistakes. 

What are your best tips for balancing school and athletics at Penn? The best tips for balancing school and athletics are time management and prioritizing. You have to be able to know how much time is put into certain objectives and what takes the most importance in that moment or the near future. 

What’s your favorite sports movie and why? My favorite sports movie would have to be “Love and Basketball”. I just love the movie’s plot.

What player at any level do you look up to most? A player I look up to the most would probably have to be Paige Bueckers. She plays hard every time she steps on the court and her game is incredible. 

What are some personal or team goals you have as you continue your season?  A personal goal I have this season is to obtain the confidence to not be afraid to fail and to get out of my comfort zone in my game. I aspire to let myself be uncomfortable so I can succeed in my growth. A team goal I have this year is to find our team chemistry and be able to kick it into gear consistently so we can perform as best as possible. 

What is your favorite pre-game meal? My favorite pre-game meal would have to be a bowl from Chipotle or Chic-Fil-A.

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