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Getting to Know: Joel Cocquyt

Name: Joel Cocquyt

Through athletics, what life lessons have you learned?: I have learned that it doesn´t really matter if you are small, if you outwork everyone then it will show.

What made you start playing hockey?:  I didn´t really have a choice, I was 3 when I started playing. I guess with my dad playing hockey, he wanted me to play as well.

How do you feel you will represent Penn High School?: I feel that I will represent Penn great. It will be 4 good, fun years of high school hockey. I feel as I get older, I will become a role model for the younger grades. I will represent as a classy, respectful player on and off the ice. Not only do I want to represent our school, but I also want to represent my name for those who’ve carried my name before me.

Where how do you see your role on Penn hockey for this season?:  I will most likely be the small but feisty grinder. I will play the role where the coach believes I fit.

What makes you so special compared to others?: Honestly, I don´t look at myself as that special. There isn´t anything that makes me super special but that’s what I have been working for. The thing that sets me apart from the rest.

What does it mean to be a freshman on varsity?: It feels great to be a freshman on varsity. My whole family that played for Penn was also varsity as a freshman so it feels good to keep the tradition alive.

How are you going to prepare for this upcoming season?:  I have been preparing for this season my whole life, but this summer in general I went harder than usual. Knowing that I´m going to be going up against 6ft seniors while I am a 5´5 freshman has motivated me to get in the gym and get a whole lot stronger. Since January, I have put on 10 to 15 pounds of muscle.

What is your favorite sports movie and why?: My favorite sports movie is Miracle. It is a classic, and who doesn´t like to see Team USA win a gold medal? I love to watch the US team persevere over a huge roadblock and beat a team they weren’t expected to win.

What is your go-to pre-game meal?: My go-to pre-game meal has got to be some crackers and cheese

Are there any pre-game rituals or superstitions you have?: Not really, I get dressed the same way every time but that isn´t because I’m superstitious.

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