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Getting to Know: Lauren Eshowsky

Why did you choose to try out for the Competition Poms Team?: I chose to try out for the Competition Poms Team because I love to dance and the people on the team were very welcoming.  

How many years have you been on the team?: I have been on the team for three years.

Do you compete outside of Penn?: Yes, I am also on a company dance team where we travel to different competitions.  

Who are the other captains on the team?: The captains this year are me, Dina Shriver and Kennedy Chester 

What do you do outside of Poms?: Outside of Poms I dance with another company, I work, and I am in a variety of clubs.  I work on dance almost every day at home when I have free time.  

What is your favorite part about being on the team?: My favorite part about being on this team is the support from the other girls, everyone on the team is so loving and helpful.  When someone needs extra help or tips on different things, everyone is there for you.  

What traits do you love in a captain and how do you think you live up to them?: Traits that I love in a captain are helpful, supportive, and leadership.  I think that I live up to these traits by talking and getting to know my teammates in order to have the traits.  

Who is a teammate you look up to (from any level) and why?: I look up to all my teammates but if I had to choose one person, I would choose Olivia because she is the only junior and she is always there for everyone and she is a very positive and important member on the team.  

What advice would you give to someone who is wanting to become a member of the Penn Competition Poms team?: A piece of advice that I would give to someone who wants to become a member of the team is just to keep an open mind during practice.  

What do you love about Poms that keeps you going when practices get tough?: One thing that I love about poms that keeps me going are my friends on the team. 

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