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Getting to Know: Riley Harnage

Name: Riley Harnage

Sport: Boys Soccer

Instagram handle: @rharnage06

Hashtag that best describes you or your philosophy: #behumble

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned through Athletics?: I think just enjoying the game and working hard.

What advice would you give a freshman about Penn Athletics?: Play whatever sport you enjoy and try to improve each year.

What is your favorite sports movie?: Haven’t watched many sports movies but I always liked “Rocky”.

What is your favorite food?: I’ve always liked steak.

What do you love about your sport?: Just playing the game with my team and friends. 

How many years have you been playing?: I’ve been playing 13 years for mainly club teams, and past years for both club and Penn.

Greatest moment for any team you played on?: Winning the Presidents Cup last club season.

What do you usually do before a game?: Stretching a lot and drink a lot of water.

What do you do after a game?: When I get home I usually go to sleep or watch TV.

How is it being a student at Penn?: School isn’t too bad, but playing soccer and being with friends makes school better for me.

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